There is a trope called Chekhov's Gun that states once someone or something has made an appearance, it must become integral to the story. Another way to think of this is, if a gun makes an appearance, likely someone will be shot with it by the end of the episode or movie.
My question is, are there any examples of guns making an appearance in a TV show arc, or in a movie, but remain unused? This lack of use I imagine would illustrate the character's decision not to come heavy handed.
EDIT: I am interested only in actual guns, whether they be revolvers, rifles, shotguns, etc. Also, the reddit link below features mainly the fantasy genre. I am looking for such an occurrence in a natural world drama or similar.
What I am looking for specifically is a character revealing possession of a gun. This reveal should be shocking to the audience, as if to say, this character is suddenly dangerous, and this gun very well may change the course of action. Then, when faced with the main conflict, the character who knows of the gun implicitly makes a choice to not use the gun. (For semantics, "used" a gun means that it could have been fired or not fired (but instead brandished as a threat) and it resolved the conflict.) Maybe I should further delineate. I might be too picky here, but I'd like it if the gun is not used threateningly. (See the entry below for Marathon Man) I modified the semantics of "used" above.
I used the example below of the movie Friday with Ice Cube where he is talked out of using it. This I suppose qualifies, but fails because he did not implicitly choose on his own to forego using the gun.