In new movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018), Chris Pratt's character Owen
kicks in Maisie's bedroom door just in time to save Maisie from being eaten by the new dinosaur, the Indo-Raptor that has chased her by climbing over a rooftop.
Prior to this, Maisie, Owen and Claire were all downstairs trying to avoid being eaten, when they tell Maisie to run. It takes a minute or so before Owen is able to follow after her and the dinosaur chasing her.
Maisie runs
upstairs to her bedroom and hides under her bedcovers, while the indo-raptor climbs in the bedroom window to get to her.
Given the size of the house, the amount of noise (bearing in mind the dinosaur was outside rather than in the house) and the time taken to follow after Maisie, how did Owen know where to go to find her in order to save her? Did I miss something in the scene that told Owen where he needed to go?