I just noticed that in Age of Ultron when Wanda puts the Avengers worst thoughts into their heads almost all of them have personal thoughts except Tony.
Black Widow's dream sequence of her life as some secret Russian ballerina agent? I am not sure about her dream but it's something to do with her personal life.
Captain America's is about his personal life before the war and before the ice incident and this one includes his first and probably only love in it.
Thor's fear is of Asgard falling which is his personal home and pretty much doesn't affect the rest of the Avengers that much.
Obviously we don't see any other dreams in this other than Tony's which is the opposite of what you expect of someone as self centered (in my opinion) as Tony.
Why does only Tony have a dream sequence about the team instead of his own personal life for example he might have had a dream of Pepper being killed or maybe all his suits being stolen (yes I know this is Iron Man 3) or maybe even Ultron enslaving humanity (his worst creation).
Why does he have a dream about his team and not his own personal life (and yes I do understand it foreshadows Infinity War)?