In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), when the protagonists find themselves on Tatooine to repair their ship and hide from the Trade Federation, it is established that governor Sio Bibble's distress call from Naboo is a trap to lure them into responding, thereby establishing a connection trace that would allow the Trade Federation to track them down.
BIBBLE : ...cut off all food supplies until you return...the death toll is catastrophic...we must bow to their wishes, Your Highness...Please tell us what to do! If you can hear us, Your Highness, you must contact me...
AMIDALA looks upset...almost nervous.
OBI-WAN : It's a trick. Send no reply... Send no transmission of any kind.
QUI-GON : It sounds like bait to establish a connection trace.
Obi-Wan confirms that no reply was sent
OBI-WAN : ...the Queen is upset...but absolutely no reply was sent.
In the very next scene, we learn that the Sith have somehow traced them back to Tatooine:
DARTH SIDIOUS and DARTH MAUL look out over the vast city.
DARTH MAUL : Tatooine is sparsely populated. If the trace was correct, I will find them quickly, Master.
So, what gives? The logic put forward was that they ought not to reply in order to avoid being traced, then we learn that no reply was sent, only to find out that they were traced anyway. How did that trace occur? Has this been officially addressed?