Night of the Living Dead film series are the 6 zombie horror films created by George A. Romero but as per Wikipedia they are loosely connected but how loosely? I have not seen any of those 6 films and thinking about watching them but want to know how much they are connected and what is their chronological order and if I can skip any of them?

And what about the remake Dawn of the Dead (2004)? Is it connected to any of them or fully independent?

1 Answer 1


"Loosely" connected in that they're chronological, but don't contain any recurring characters. In the first one, zombies had never existed prior to the events depicted in the movie. In all subsequent ones, zombies have existed previously. You do not need to view them in order, although it's more enjoyable as you watch special effects capabilities improve over time.

The remake of Dawn of the Dead is independent. While the location is the same as the original (both take place in a shopping mall), the remake begins with no one knowing about zombies and also departs from the cathartic zombie trope and is the first zombie movie to show them in full sprint.

  • Can you give some examples to the claim that "zombies existed previously" in the subsequent movies? Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 16:15
  • 3
    The way you phrased it: "Loosely connected", " In all subsequent ones, zombies have existed previously" implies that the movies are set in different universes. Maybe rephrase it as, "in subsequent movies the zombie outbreak that started in the first movie has already been going for some time". Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 16:49
  • 2
    "The first zombie movie to show them in full sprint" isn't exactly accurate. The remake of Dawn of the Dead was 2004. In 1985, The Return of the Living Dead showed zombies running too. That movie has nothing to do with the world that George Romero created; those zombies are completely unrelated. Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 17:49
  • 3
    You've got your claim on "first zombie movie to show them in full sprint" incorrect. 28 Days Later & Resident Evil, at least, predate it
    – warren
    Commented Mar 6, 2018 at 20:05
  • 1
    "cathartic zombie trope" Did you mean "lethargic"? Commented Mar 29, 2018 at 18:11

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