In season one, episode four of True Detective ("Who Goes There") Rust is in a housing project with the Iron Crusaders raiding a stash house. Someone throws a rock through the window and Lamar (the man in the backwards ball cap) taunts one of the bikers, "you sorry yet motherfucker? I told your cracker ass, bitch ass..." and before he finishes he's pistol whipped and shot.
Rust immediately realizes the situation is heading south a lot faster than he had anticipated. Another biker smashes another window with his shotgun and begins to fire on the other gang members assembled outside. Rust somehow senses a shot is coming and ducks into the corner right before a bullet comes through the wall.
My question is, how did he know the shot was coming right there? Is there someone aiming a gun out of focus that we can't see or was he just playing it safe and ended up being right?