The original 1968 movie Planet of the Apes is about a spaceship, known as either Liberty 1 or the Icarus, which travels to the distant future and ends up back on Earth, where apes are in control of the planet. Now the Planet of the Apes film series was recently rebooted with the 2011 movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes. That movie contains a few references to the 1968 movie, in particular a scene showing a TV newscast about the Icarus led by George Taylor (the hero of the 1968 movie), which has just left Earth and is headed to Mars.
Now if I remember that scene correctly, the TV newscast actually shows footage of the crew sitting inside the Icarus spaceship. So my question is, did they take footage from the 1968 movie, or did they film a new scene for that?
The reason I ask is that it seems fairly obvious that rebooted Planet of the Apes film series is intended to lead up to a remake of the 1968 movie, after they finish showing how the apes took over the world. So if they did film a new scene of astronauts aboard the Icarus, I think the actors they showed in that scene would be the intended stars of that remake.
EDIT: In this interview director has expressed interest in making a movie "retelling" the events of the 1968 movie, although he doesn't call it a remake:
To me the idea is that the 1968 films stands as trajectory in that, what is so exciting is that the world of that film is so different from where things started in RISE, and the way they are in DAWN and now will be in the next film. There is a huge distance to cover between here and there that is all about Caesar and future generations, and how this world has transformed into that world, and the struggle that they’ll have to go through and how we create the world that we know from that. I think once you’ve gone through all of those chapters, you’ve gotten all the richness of those stories, you could very well find yourself going into that story again, but I think it would be from a new perspective. The idea would never be to remake the ’68 film. There might be some of those events from another perspective, and obviously to also see them as events that grew out of everything that we’ve been watching from this new iteration. They wouldn’t be exactly the same either. So if, and when, we ever get there, which I think is an exciting notion, it would definitely not be a remake but it would be sort of a re-telling of those events from a new perspective. And the events themselves would probably be a bit different since they will have grown out of these films.
EDIT 2: For more evidence, see this EW article, which says that Nova, the heroine of the 1968 movie, will appear as a little girl in the upcoming movie War for the Planet of the Apes:
Linda Harrison starred as Nova alongside Charlton Heston in both Planet of the Apes and Beneath the Planet of the Apes, but EW can confirm that the Nova of War for the Planet of the Apes is indeed the same character as the one Harrison played.
So clearly they're building up to the 1968 movie.