This one may be a challenge simply based on the limited details I have to give. I saw a couple of minutes worth of this movie when I was younger and was pretty freaked out by the bits that I caught.
I would guess this movie was from the late 80's or 90's based on the quality but I could be off. I was in the US watching cable I believe, could be from a different country.
The scene I saw was a large machine or ship that was either processing or "eating" people [I don't know if they were dead or alive] perhaps for fuel. They may have been pre-chopped up, but I can't remember.
The machine/ship seemed to be in the middle of a barren red area - Perhaps Mars?
There was quite a bit of gore in this scene - I don't remember seeing anyone living.
I have no other details to go off of and will consider deleting this post if it is a pointless hunt. I will research any suggestions as soon as I can because I would love to find this movie and actually watch it.
Any assistance is much appreciated.
These bodies / body parts were on a conveyor belt being fed into the machine/ship type thing.