In the 1986 film Flight of the Navigator, the ship's computer, Max, is voiced by Paul Reubens. Reubens was not credited by name, but rather under the pseudonym "Paul Mall".
Why is Reubens credited as "Paul Mall" in this film, but not in any of his other roles? It couldn't have been a result of his well-publicized arrest for public indecency, as that didn't occur until 1991. I also doubt that he was trying to maintain separate identities for his live-action and voice acting careers, since all his other voice work is done under his usual name. Reubens was already a moderate star by 1986, so wouldn't it have been to the filmmakers' benefit to openly promote, or at least credit, his involvement in the film?
Have Reubens or the filmmakers given any explanation for the use of the pseudonym?