In the final episode of Game of Thrones season five, Ellaria and Doran Martell with her daughters, the King of Dorne were seeing off Myrcella, Trystane, Jaime and Bronn who were leaving for Kings Landing.
The last season left off at the sequence where Myrcella falls, and then Ellaria is shown bleeding from her nose, due to the poison she used to kill her.
Now in the season 6 premiere, we see Jaime arriving in Kings Landing (it is right now almost sun down). The show then takes us to Dorne, Ellaria with one of her daughter is in the same clothes as they were in last season. So it is the same day from the final season, only that it just got brighter instead of darker. They get the message about Myrcella, then Doran is killed. Next Trystane is killed (who is seen painting the stone that is put on the eyes of the dead, so he must be in Kings Landing for Myrcella's funeral) but suddenly Obara Sand appears.
What's going on? It makes no sense, the first sequence shows Jaime in Kings Landing, the next show Ellaria and Doran talking and it seems like they have just returned from the port.