In the final episode of Parks and Recreation, we are fast-forwarded to 2048, to see Garry/Jerry/Larry/Terry/Barry's funeral. We are shown Leslie and Ben, surrounded by Secret Service agents, who at the end tell them that it's time to go:
This suggests that one of them became the president of the United States of America. However, the member of the Secret Service that addresses them does so in a deliberately ambiguous way, so that we aren't really able to get who became president.
I understand this means that was left purposely ambiguous, but I was wondering if there's anything, either in the show or said by the creators or cast members, that suggests which one of them became president (or at least which one is more likely to have become president).
I think it makes sense that it was Leslie, given that she is the main character of the show, but the fact that it seems to have been left purposely ambiguous kinda threw me off there.