In The Hateful Eight, chapter five, when a few more people arrive at Minnie's Haberdashery we can see a cat wandering around.
When they start killing almost everyone, no one hurts nor kills the cat nor the horses.
It is most likely that they didn't kill him, and that he is hiding for the rest of the movie.
I was suprised not to see him again, but I recognise Tarantino doesn't care about filming cats.
So my first question is: Does Quentin Tarantino like (or care) about animals? (I remember a horse being killed in Django Unchained, "Tarantino Style")
What makes me wonder, is that I usually see a line during the end credits, saying that "No animals were harmed [or whatever] while shooting the film", or something apporaching. But in those end credits, the only line was something like "Every animal was under the supervision of [Animal Protection Association]".
Which leads to my second question: Is this common now not to mention that no animals were harmed? Or is this because at least one animal has been harmed?