Before the first assassination in Munich (2005), of Wael Zwaiter, Eric Bana gives the whole team some kind of sticks to eat. Why does he give those and what are those called?
1 Answer
The script indicates that they're "drawing straws" (e.g. to determine who will actually do the dirty deed). A closer inspection of the film reveals that the straws are in fact 'grissini'-style breadsticks, which of course ties in nicely with the fact that they're in Rome...
A one-room apartment, windows tightly shuttered, though golden Roman afternoon light is leaking in. There are several mattresses on the floor, and street maps, surveillance photos, documents, newspapers lie scattered about. Avner, Carl, Hans, Robert and Steve, dressed in the clothes they'll wear during the hit, are kneeling on the floor in a circle. Carl holds four straws in his fist. Avner watches; the others draw straws.
They compare. Robert has the shortest straw. The others look at him. He looks away, unhappy.