McGee has some textbook "geek" checkboxes:
- old mac computers
- online role playing games
- problem retaining girlfriends
However, I don't think McGee does "R", "Python", or "MatLab".
What actual scripting (fast turnaround) language does he use for his "programs" that doesn't require him to take a week to write code that does some amazingly complex function?
I know a ton of admins who use excel. I don't see McGee or Abby using things much more complex than that - how can it qualify as actually technical?
Numb3rs at least, had some mathematica.
If he is a real geek, and not a hand-wavey geek, what are the tools that he uses to do the things he allegedly does? Is he a writer-created cliche or does the movie give details that back up his "geek" credentials?