In Mad Max: Fury Road, the term "Kamakrazee" was used three times. During the scene where Ace loads the War Rig, we hear the following chant:
"We are war boys!"
"War boys!"
"Kamakrazee war boys!"
"War boys! "
"Fucacima kamakrazee war boys!"
This led me to believe that the term "Kamakrazee" is a heavily mispronounced version of the word "Kamikaze", fused with "crazy". This makes sense, considering some other words have received the same treatment in the Mad Max universe (Fucacima, Guzzoline, traited, etc.) We also get to see the War Boys conducting a Kamikaze attack in the film.
However, in the scene where Nux (Nicholas Hoult) enters the War Rig and tries to throttle Furiousa (Charlize Theron), the following dialogue happens:
Nux: "You traited him!"
(Attempts to strangle Furiosa, but is thrown aside quickly. Furiosa lunges forward and points a knife at Nux)
Wife 1: "No unnecessary killing!"
Furiosa: "This War Boy wants me dead!"
Wife 2: "We agreed!"
Wife 3: "He's kamakrazee!"
Wife 4: "He's just a kid at the end of his half-life!"
Nux: "No! I live, I die, I live again!"
(Unfortunately, most of this is pieced together from memory, since I can't seem to remember which wife said which, and that it's impossible to find a script for the movie online. I'd appreciate it if someone could correct this for me, since I'm unable to watch the movie right now.)
The term "Kamikaze" would make no sense in this context. So what would the wife in question mean by "Kamakrazee"? And why is she using it as a reason not to kill Nux?