In the Hindi movie A Wednesday!, Naseeruddin Shah played the role of "The Common Man", and Anupam Kher plays the role of "Prakash Rathod, Commissioner of Mumbai Police".
When Prakash asks The Common Man about his identity, he says "I don't want you to associate any kind of religion to what I am doing."
Even in the end when both of them meet, Prakash says he will not reveal his identity as people will associate religion with it.
Naseeruddin Shah is credited as "The Common man". If you go a little back, The Common Man calls Naina Roy (Deepal Shaw) from UTV news, informing her to visit a certain place to cover the bomb story and refers her as "beti" (daughter in Hindi), to which Naina says "apne mujhe beti kaha" to which Common Man says "yes" and hangs up the phone.
In any way did the makers of movie try to give a hint to the identity of the Common Man?