A few months ago I decided to watch A Clockwork Orange, as I was only inspired by its IMDB ratings and reviews and the generally high public opinion about the movie. So I was expecting a great movie. I won't lie, but it seldom happens that I cannot tolerate at least the first half of a movie, but in this case, it happened. I couldn't watch it more than 30 minutes, and those 30 minutes I was wondering what is the story, why is this nude and violent. It felt overly violent and sexually explicit to me in the first half hour and I couldn't see how those aspects contributed to the story. This movie made my mind go crazy and irritated like no other movie, not even A serbian movie.
So I'd like to know why it is regarded such a masterpiece. Or does it take a drastic change after 40 minutes or something which I missed and should I give it one more try, which I am very reluctant to? Or did I just miss something about it that better explains how those to me rather repelling aspects of the movie contributed to its quality?