In The Avengers (2012), during the scene in which Loki is imprisoned aboard the Helicarrier, Black Widow interrogates him and at the end of the exchange takes place:
Black Widow: You're a monster.
Loki: Oh, no. You brought the monster.
Black Widow: So, Banner. That's your play.
Loki: What?
With the "What?" indicating confusion as his expression seems to indicate:
However, I'm not entirely convinced Loki did so accidentally, for a number of reasons:
- It didn't make a difference that she knew, as it was too late to stop him. Loki did successfully escape, though the Helicarrier didn't crash as he may have intended due to Tony fixing the rotor. Them knowing his plan also didn't lead to them fixing the Helicarrier so really it achieved nothing.
- As it says on the Marvel Wiki, Loki is "The Asgardian God of Mischief, Madness and Evil! Beware the Treachery of Loki!", which doesn't really hold up if he can be tricked so easily by a puny mortal girl.
- It got her to leave mere minutes before his plan was to be set in motion, which meant she wouldn't be in the way when he planned to escape.
Is there any evidence which would prove whether Black Widow really tricked Loki into revealing his plans or this was simply another step in Loki's plan?