Referring to the scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier where 'Cap and company infiltrate that S.H.I.E.L.D. ship which had been taken over by terrorists. There was a fight towards the end of that scene (before 'Cap links up with Widow as she's downloading files) where 'Cap fights a terrorist.
This particular terrorist "gave as good as he got" against 'Cap for far longer than he should have been able to do, provided he was simply a "normal man" and not a superhero. He actually made it a competitive fight for a bit before 'Cap prevailed, even knocking 'Cap down once or twice if memory serves.
I want to know whether this terrorist was some "special" terrorist (i.e. had he been altered, given some kind of serum, was he "turbo-charged" in any way, etc) or was he simply at the upper-scale, fighting ability-wise, of a normal guy?
If the guy was some kind of supervillian that I just don't know about, I'll accept that he was able to compete with 'Cap for a bit. If he wasn't, I think they screwed up with the script in making the guy so strong. While I think there might be circumstances where a normal guy with superior fighting skills could do well against 'Cap for a bit (for instance, surprising him or blindsiding him or whatever), this didn't appear to be one of those circumstances.
Anyone know the answer? Can someone explain?
)? Shouldn't it beCap.
? (Or justCap
, since it's a nickname, not an abbreviation -- that would beCap'n