In True Detective Episode 4, an undercover Cohle is made to prove his criminality by assisting Ginger and the Iron Crusaders lift a crack den, resulting in THAT sequence...
But why do the Iron Crusaders bother to wear the Cop Uniforms?
The Bikers look no where near convincing in the Uniforms, and don't even seem to bother acting in any way like Police Officers. They behave like raiders, and don't even arrive in a Police Vehicle.
Cohle himself, doesn't even wear a Uniform, and he seems to be the point man of the operation, so they don't seem to be trying to pose as officers.
I thought perhaps it was some kind of 'calling card' from the Gang, but it seems to be presented as something novel when they explain their plan to Cohle...
I also suspected it was just a way of disguising their true status as Iron Crusaders by wearing clothes not formerly associated with the gang, but Cop uniforms seem quite elaborate for this purpose.
Was there actually any purpose for the facade?