In Europa Report, two of the astronauts (James and Andrei) are coming to the end of a space walk (and are low on air) when there's an emergency in the form of an explosion. Andrei finds a tear in his suit and is rapidly losing consciousness. James' suit is contaminated with hydrazine. He is advised to avoid re-entering the ship as doing so would contaminate its atmosphere presumably putting everybody else at risk. He therefore chooses to send his colleague back in and is stranded in space (and dies).
- What happened to James' tether? Wasn't it Andrei who was untethered?
- Couldn't they have used the airlock to switch suits or if there were no suits, flood it with air and rescue Andrei first? Hydrazine exposure does not appear to be (immediately) fatal.
- Couldn't a third astronaut have helped James after Andrei had been rescued?
Considering the general attention to detail in the movie, I'm questioning the realism of this scene.