In the Season 5B episodes "To'hajiilee" and "Ozymandias", Hank and Gomez are cornered by Jack and his men in the desert. Once it's clear that they're both outnumbered and outgunned, why doesn't Hank or Gomez call for help?
Let's look at the situation in more detail:
Hank was armed with a pistol, Gomez with a shotgun. I'm no expert, but I'm sure I'd rather have a rifle at this distance:
Especially when faced with four automatic files and two handguns:
The view of Jack's men:
My immediate reaction would be to get into cover and call for backup. Both Hank and Gomez get into cover:
But they both pop out again, risking their lives with crappy weapons (a handgun and a shotgun -- both utterly useless at such distances):
Couldn't they have tried to signal for help? I know Hank was worried about his career being ruined, but I don't believe that either he or Gomez were concerned about that in the heat of an overwhelming battle.
Can someone explain it to me?