In Universe
Being the one twin who has to disguise himself constantly and therefore not really have anyone close to them who can tell that they are really a twin of Borden seems unfair to them. They cannot disguise themselves in any permanent way (such as by growing a beard or changing hair style or anything like that) because of having to be on stage as Borden. So it all has to be wigs, makeup and costumes.
I imagine that (except when getting into/out of disguise) at any moment Fallon does everything as Fallon, including sleep, in case they are accidentally discovered, forced to leave the house because of a fire etc. For Fallon to have a relationship would require his partner to be in on the secret which I imagine would not be acceptable to Borden/Fallon.
To share the responsibility for being Borden and Fallon seems more fair on them.
If they allowed themselves to live as one or the other it becomes harder to ensure that they look and act exactly the same at all times, especially when on stage. If they can live some of their life as Borden when not on the stage, the stage show itself almost becomes trivial.
Even swapping every day(?) they sometimes slip a little, and Sarah (Rebecca Hall) unconsciously notices when its not her Borden. Imagine what might happen if she encounters the one who is usually Fallon backstage. What more opportunities there may be to slip up and reveal it is not her husband if he spends little time with her and their child.
Out of Universe
The story shows us continually that there are two people playing Borden, with clues like the hand injury getting worse again, or which one loves Sarah (Rebecca Hall). We see him devoted to his wife one moment and having an affair with Olivia (Scarlette Johansson) the next.
To have one as Borden and one as Fallon would not give us those clues. There would be no affair with Olivia, no suicide of Sarah. This massively diminishes the shock of the reveal, the magic trick they have performed on the audience, when we see the depth and dedication in what they did.