In the movie, Oddity, Dani is renovating a mansion she and her husband just purchased. She has a camera that has been set up to take photos at a given interval.

I am wondering why she would do this? The reason I can think of is to keep memories of how their mansion is being transformed / decorated over time. But I am not sure.

  • 4
    out-of-universe (as i have not seen this), that's quite a common thing to do on a project. Put it on a timeline and you get a cool time lapse of the project progressing, and renovating is one of those big projects that people sometimes like to do that on... youtu.be/vyC0A_zy9bk Commented Sep 3 at 0:01
  • 1
    @blobbymcblobby, yeah, I would say it is the reason.
    – Yu Zhang
    Commented Sep 3 at 10:28


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