In 1x04 Middle Game, Beth is playing her game against Borgov.
The announcer says that he opens with pawn to King Four, e2-e4, and talks about the fact that Beth always responds to that opening with the Sicilian and that Borgov is called the master of the Sicilian.
He then says "Harmon moves pawn to queen bishop four, hoping to play him on ground that's fresh for both of them." Based on the notation used at the time, (thanks to @Valorum for a correction on that), pawn to queen bishop four means pawn from c7 to c5.
Unless I'm mistaken, 1. e4 c5... is the Sicilian opening, which would definitely not be 'fresh ground' for either of them.
Borgov and Harmon both play knights, and we are then shown the board, which looks like this:
That looks like the Sicilian to me. Is this a mistake, or am I missing something?