In The Terminator, the T-800 arrives in 1984 and acquires a disguise from some punks.
During the altercation is told to "go away" with specific language.
Later on, at its HQ he tells the landlord to "go away" with the same language.
The POV shot shows this option at the bottom of the list, implying it was added later than other responses.
This makes sense, being able to learn and adapt to how a group of humans speak, will help them blend in.
However, in Terminator 2: Judgement Day, in the CPU switch deleted scene, the "Uncle Bob" T-800 states:
My CPU is a neural-net processor; a learning computer. But Skynet presets the switch to read-only when we're sent out alone.
The Terminator was sent to 1984 alone, why was its CPU apparently set to read-write?