According to this other question and answer thread that cites this interview with Stephen Altobello, the famous “Wilhelm Scream” is featured in A Star is Born (1954); bold emphasis is mine:

Whoever put it in the movie in the background for one scene, that's fine; that was probably expected. But whoever found a way to weasel it into the arrangement of a Judy Garland song, that's somebody who really pulled off the ultimate, I think, because the movie stops and it's the only thing that's happening. I'll never be able to pull that off.

So where is it? Where is the “Wilhelm Scream” in the 1954 version of A Star is Born?


1 Answer 1


It's about halfway through (5:22) the musical number Someone at Last, used as an effect to illustrate an African villager falling.

  • 3
    I thought I was going to have to bump the volume and listen hard to pick the scream out. Both were wrong decisions. :D Commented Mar 12 at 17:02

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