Normally weekly
- Episode 1x6 ("Adventures in Fine Dining")
Tim: Because I want you to remember, men, the first three letters of "manners" are... (grunts) See you next week! (grunts)
- Episode 1x10 ("Reach Out and Teach Someone")
Tim: Well, this is gonna be different, 'cause on next week's show,
- Episode 2x2 ("Rites & Wrongs of Passage")
Tim: While Al cleans up his little mess, let me tell you about next week's show.
- Episode 3x5 ("Arrivederci, Binford")
Tim: Al, why don't you tell us what's on the next show?
Al: Next week, we'll be doing our salute to electrical...
- Episode 8x16 ("Mark's Big Break")
Tim: And I'm thinking that if we brainstorm with some of the guys down at Tool Time, we could come up with a great episode for next week.
Occasionally they do week-long shows, one per day.
- Episode 7x22 ("Believe It or Not")
Tim: All week long we've been showing you things that make our lives easier.
- Episode 1x22 ("Luck Be a Taylor Tonight")
Tim: All this week, Al and I have done our Tool Time salute to painting
- Episode 3x02 ("Aisle See You in My Dreams")
Tim: It's Male Hobby Week all this week on Tool Time. And today, Al and I are doing our Tool Time fishing.
- Episode 2x24 ("Birth of a Hot Rod")
Tim: Why don't we tell the folks what we have coming up on Lawn Care Week.
Al: Well, Tim, tomorrow, we'll be doing our salute... to clippers. On Wednesday, we'll be doing our sprinklers. But today, we're doing our salute (moo) to fertilizer.
- Episode 6x21 ("Insult to Injury")
Tim: Before we get to that, I have a big announcement. On tomorrow's show, I will break the record for consecutive appearances on a home remodelling show. How about that, huh?