In L.A Confidential (1997), before discussing the title for the story with Smith, a reporter had a conversation with Sgt Edmund and a photographer at the doorway of the party hall:

Reporter: Aren't you young to be watch commander?

Edmund: It's only tonight. The married men have Christmas Eve off.

Reporter: That's a good lead for the story.

Photographer: Sure.

Why is Edmund being a young watch commander a good story lead?

  • Because it's a moderately interesting factoid?
    – Valorum
    Commented Jul 29, 2023 at 7:26

1 Answer 1


In tabloid journalism, truth isn't the main goal. Anything can start and feed a story, as long as people want to read it. It's still the same nowadays though. In this case, if anything happens during that night, it can be sold on the frontpage with a voluntarily twisted eye on the story/background.

"Confidential" was a magazine published quarterly from December 1952 to August 1953 and then bi-monthly until it ceased publication in 1978. It was founded by Robert Harrison and is considered a pioneer in scandal, gossip and exposé journalism. (from Confidential - the magazine)

In the movie, Sgt Vincennes feeds classified information to a tabloid magnate, Sid Hudgens. It's said to be inspired by the story of Robert Harrison and his publications.

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