At what point in Better Call Saul does the first scene of Breaking Bad take place? I am not talking about the flash-forward scene that the first episode (pilot?) starts with, which is Walter White in the desert; I am talking about the first scene from where the story of Breaking Bad actually starts. This is actually a 3 part question, where all 3 parts are related closely enough that I don't think each merits its own question. Here I am also guessing that the first (coloured) scene of Better Call Saul happens before the first scene of Breaking Bad.
As mentioned above, at the point in in-universe time when the first scene of the story of Breaking Bad starts, what is going on in Better Call Saul?
When the last scene in Better Call Saul is taking place (the coloured parts of BCS not the black and white parts, where Saul has already turned into Gene), what is going on in Breaking Bad?
When the first scene of Better Call Saul takes place (the black and white scene where we see Gene working at Cinnabon), what is going on in Breaking Bad (assuming this scene takes place while Breaking Bad has not completely ended; my assumption here is that during this scene Walt is still hiding in the cabin the vacuum cleaner guy put him in, but please point out if this is not so)
Is there enough information to answer this with the season / episode number (and with the scene if possible)?