In Disney's 1970 animated feature film the the Aristocats male lead, Thomas O'Malley, makes a reference to two characters riding on a magic carpet.
We shall fly to Paris on a magic carpet, side by side
In the context of the movie, this is a metaphor, rather than a literal magic carpet.
It would seem self evident that this is far too early to be referencing Disney's 1993 animated feature Aladdin, it's possible that it could be a reference to Aladdin and Princess Balroulbador riding on a magic carpet, in a later adaptions of the 1001 Nights source material, on which modern retellings of the story of Aladdin are based.
Is there any evidence, for example behind the scenes documentaries, or transcripts from panel events, that would confirm that a version of Aladdin was the inspiration for this, that it was down to something else?