In the opening scene of Pulp Fiction (1994), hit-men Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega raids the apartment of Brett, a business associate of their boss (Marsellus Wallace). The main objective is to retrieve a briefcase of Wallace's from Brett's apartment. They seems to be sure that Brett has the briefcase and Vega eventually finds the briefcase while Jules keeps talking to Brett.
But I wonder, what exactly do they plan to do with Brett and everyone else in the apartment? Sending a message could work if they non-fatally shoot Brett and left him alive to show not to mess with Wallace. But they kill him and the others, except one teenager named Marvin, who was apparently their informant (who accidentally gets shot by Vega and dies sometime later).
The other possibility is that they always planned to kill Brett. But why waste so much time engaging in a lengthy conversation? Why not just shoot everyone else and make Brett hand over the briefcase, and then kill him as well? The longer they wait, the more chance of the plans going awry. This actually happens, as a man bursts out from the bathroom and shoots them, which they miraculously survive.
On why they did not kill Marvin. Thank you users BCdotWEB and galacticninja for pointing that out in that other question.