I just watched Disney's Frozen (DVD) with my children and noticed (again) that the German subtitles differ from the German spoken text.
For example, right at the beginning, Anna wakes Elsa, and Elsa replies
- in English (original, both subtitles and voice): "Anna, go back to sleep"
- in German (subtitles): "Anna, schlaf weiter"
- in German (voice): "Anna, geh wieder schlafen"
Both are perfectly valid and idiomatic translations, but it appears that the movie was translated twice by two different teams, which seems... terribly inefficient.
This is something I noticed with quite a few movies and TV shows by now, so there might be a perfectly good reason to it. What is it?
(I do have a theory: Maybe the foreign-language subtitles were done first, and then, when the voice was dubbed, they had to change the translation to match the mouth movements. But if that is the case, why did they do the subtitles first? And even if there is a good reason to do the subtitles first, why didn't they replace them after dubbing the voice? Should be easy - it's just text, right?)