In The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 5: "The Jedi", the Mandalorian teams up with the Jedi Ahsoka Tano to kill a local autocrat (Elsbeth), her mercenary Lang and her troops. When all troops have been defeated, the Mandalorian faces off with Lang while Tano duels Elsbeth. After a bit of tension, Lang says something like "You and me are a lot alike. We would lay down our lives for the right cause... which this is not." Then he lays down his main weapon signaling a truce, but eventually reaches for his smaller blaster to try and kill the Mandalorian.
But aren't his words wiser than his actions? What does he have to gain? Even if he could kill the Mandalorian, Tano still stands in the way between him and any loot (and he couldn't even defeat her with all of Elsbeth's troops).
Does he think he can defeat the Mandalorian? Does he think the Mandalorian is hell-bent on killing him?
What does he think about the Mandalorian: If he believes the Mandalorian will believe his offer, why not make it for real? If he believes the Mandalorian won't, what's the point?