The 1982 movie Blade Runner has multiple alternate endings. In the Director’s Cut and Final Cut the final scene ends with where Rick leaves his apartment along with Rachael. The US theatrical version adds an additional scene where Rick and Rachael are driving away through a natural landscape, with Rick saying in voiceover that Tyrell told him that Rachael is immune from the replicants’ termination date.
But now I just found one more alternate ending. Like the US theatrical version, it features Rick and Rachael driving through the natural landscape. But rather than a voiceover it has a conversation between them, which ends with Rachael saying “I think we were made for each other,” with the obvious implication that Rick is a replicant.
My question is, what is the history of this scene? At what point of the production process, if ever, was this scene intended to be included in the movie? And why was it dropped? Clearly this scene is what they made the theatrical ending out of, but I’d like any more available information.