In The Incredibles (2004), it is clearly established that the female character Mirage willingly serves as the "main bad guy's" (Syndrome's) executive secretary / right-hand woman. (It is also suggested that there exists some personal emotional relationship between them - whether that relationship is also romantic is left unclear.) It is explicitly shown that she has been covertly observing various (former) supers in an effort to recruit them for Syndrome's secret project - which involves hiring them under the pretense of having them combat a renegade sentient robot (the "Omnidroid" and its subsequent iterations) with advanced destructive capabilities on a remote tropical island, but which in reality serves only as a field test to sharpen the robot's battle skills and determine how best to upgrade its weaponry.
When, after the second confrontation with Omnidroid, in the course of which Syndrome reveals to Mr. Incredible the broad strokes of his nefarious master plan, Mr. Incredible manages to temporarily escape and hack into Syndrome's master computer, at which time he views data files on the previous "elimination" of numerous other supers who had presumably likewise been duped into fighting Omnidroid.
When Mr. Incredible is finally captured and held prisoner by Syndrome, Mirage is present when Syndrome orders a missile strike against an incoming jet piloted by Elasti-Girl, who pleads with Syndrome to abort the missiles because there are "children onboard." Mirage seems emotionally shaken by this experience, but still does not express any disapproval towards Syndrome or argue with him to spare the children. At one point, the chained Mr. Incredible manages to grasp Mirage and threatens to kill her, which Syndrome dismisses as a bluff, which reaction does seem to finally "sour" Mirage on Syndrome.
It is only much later, after Elasti-Girl and the children are likewise captured and held prisoner, and after the whole family has been able to escape their bonds (on their own power) that Mirage shows up and actively "joins the resistance" by providing them with the high-level password they need to begin foiling Syndrome's evil plan.
Doesn't all this indicate that - up until that point in time - Mirage had been privy to and a willing party to all of Syndrome's nefarious plans - to systematically lure supers to the island and use Omnidroid to kill them, one at a time (while at the same time constantly upgrading Omnidroid's destructive potential)? While Mirage's motivation is never explained to us (though her extreme personal loyalty to Syndrome might be a partial explanation), it may be that Mirage is well aware that the cover story they have been using to lure supers to the island is a blatant lie, and that numerous previous supers were killed while battling Omnidroid. Or she may have been an unwilling dupe.
So my question is: Is Mirage guilty of morally reprehensible behavior? Did she knowingly participate in the premeditated (meticulously planned!) murder of numerous innocent human beings? It is implied that she earns "redemption" near the end of the movie by providing the password - but does it come a little too easily and quickly? (She seems to betray Syndrome only because she has come to the conclusion that he recklessly risked her safety / doesn't really care about her.) Her further fate and/or punishment - after revealing the secret password - is never shown or even implied.
So: Should she be viewed as nearly as dark and evil as Syndrome himself? Or was she unaware of just how incredibly criminal and morally reprehensible Syndrome's plan was?