Ask yourself, what would happen if a government funded project to, say, eradicate a parasitic fungus from the jungles of some far away country, resulted in the catastrophic death of everyone involved in the project, and the need to quarantine the entire facility?
That project would probably be cancelled and public support for it would plummet, to the point that proposing a new attempt might even be taboo.
Now, as yourself, what if said project was a secret undertaking, and it was not possible to even admit that the project had failed catastrophically?
In any case, we don't really know anything about Engineer society, about their government, ideals or social dynamics, but it stands to reason that losing your entire research facility and crew might have an impact on their future plans.
As far as we know, maybe the facility in the movie was the only cache of black goo they had... Which, seeing how dangerous the thing can be, would make sense.