In the Die Hard film series, John McClane (Bruce Willis) repeatedly utters the phrase "Yippie Ki Yay" followed by an Oedipal profanity. Needless to say, television broadcast standards in the 1980s required such profanities to be altered before broadcast. Some of these alterations were more creative than others, leading to various running jokes in pop culture.
One lasting impression multiple people have is that McClane said "Melon Farmer" instead of the profanity. However, I have not been able to find documentation of this. I have found video of "Mister Falcon," but not "Melon Farmer." This leads me to think that "Yippie Ki Yay Melon Farmer" might just be an urban legend. However, it is very possible that at least one TV edit did indeed say "Melon Farmer."
Is there concrete evidence, beyond just "I remembered it that way" that at least one television edit of Die Hard or one of its sequels had the sentence: "Yippie Ki Yay Melon Farmer"?