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My theory is that heQuaid never actually went to the RecallRekall lounge (where the chineseAsian guy injected him). TheyCohaagen and his group just implanted that memory into him that he actually went there. thusSo that's why he doesn't have a scar.

My theory is that he never actually went to the Recall (where the chinese guy injected him). They just implanted that memory into him that he actually went there. thus why he doesn't have a scar.

My theory is that Quaid never actually went to the Rekall lounge (where the Asian guy injected him). Cohaagen and his group just implanted that memory into him that he went there. So that's why he doesn't have a scar.

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My theory is that he never actually went to the Recall (where the chinese guy injected him). They just implanted that memory into him that he actually went there. thus why he doesn't have a scar.