Is there a reason thatwhy in so many englishEnglish-language movies and TV series, whenever someone is speaking "german""German", they (actors, writers etc.) just notdon't care about if what they say is right or wrong? This can range from:
just minor grammatical errors e.g. "Schieß dem Fenster" in "Die Hard":
rambling some made-up words and claiming them to be germanGerman e.g. "Lebenslangeschicksalssatz" in "How I met your mother"
wrong germanGerman paired with a bad accent e.g. in "Scrubs"
up to native germanGerman speakers talking complete nonsense e.g. Heidi Klum in HIMYM
I don't know if this is the same with other languages (for example there is a scene in Scrubs where the cast speaks spanishSpanish, but there might be similar mistakes:
Do the creators and actors just don'tnot want to speak correct germanGerman and at least use correct germanGerman words, or is there simply no money in a $100.,000.,000 movie production to ask a native speaker to look over your script and maybe correct some of the lines?