Seeing how Independece Day: Resurgence (and its precursor) famously plays with the cultural significance of the US American Independence Day, it seems odd that it isn't actually released on or around the actual Independence Day (July 4th), rather than around June 24th.
Now, of course it's not necessary or even usual for each movie to be released on an exact day significant to its story. But seeing what a prominent role the 4th of July plays for the film and its themes (let alone its title to begin with) and that such release dates have been done in the past (including most importantly the first movie, which was released on July 3rd in the US, or even films with much less clear connections to the release datemuch less clear connections to the release date), this seems like a missed marketing opportunity.
Wikipedia only says that the release date originally was indeed the 3rd of July 2015 but was later changed to July 2016 and then to 24th of June. It wouldn't even have needed to be the exact date, but 10 days in advance just seems like a missed opportunity that I can't believe the marketing department to have been entirely oblivious to. So is there any official information (or at least reasonably-backed deduction) what the actual reasons were for not releasing the film on or around the 4th of July or if this marketing idea was even considered at all?