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Feb 4, 2016 at 8:16 comment added Andrew Martin @noobsmcgoobs: Not quite. If you use the link to go to the novella, the relevant section is on page 57. Brendan says to Kara: You'd bury me at the same time, but it was mostly for the money. Dode thought I did it, he like Em, that was enough for him, but he stuck to the money cause you had your claws in him, cause he couldn't come away from the deal without it and make you happy. In other words, Kara manipulated Dode into doing this, so she could get the money from him, given Dode was infatuated with her.
Feb 4, 2016 at 8:13 comment added noobsmcgoobs So in the novella, Dode owed Kara some money or something and she told him to sell the info to The Pin so she could get paid?
Feb 3, 2016 at 9:30 history answered Andrew Martin CC BY-SA 3.0