I currently live in China and love to go to the cinema on a regular basis.

However, due to government protectionism and a fear of foreign culture invading, only about 30-40 foreign movies are released a year here.

This means that only a select few movies get past the board for approval. I've done some research (i.e. google searching) and I understand that many movies don't get approved until maybe 2-3 months before they're going to be released here.

Despite this, I was really hoping that someone could point me in a the direction of a predicted release of foreign movies in China so that I could start to get suitably excited / disappointed if movies that I want to see are going to be released here.

  • 1
    movie.douban.com/coming I apologise for wasting time - but I did find a Chinese language link. I'll leave this here in case anybody else finds it useful
    – ortonomy
    May 10, 2014 at 6:15
  • 1
    Not wasting time. You should put it as an answer, but it may be volatile information ... may not be available "tomorrow" as a viable source. May 10, 2014 at 11:30
  • I agree, if it's possible, you can provide your own answer and confirm it, or maybe a mod could do this? Metadata pages can show that the question was answered which is helpful to visitors.
    – rbsite
    May 10, 2014 at 12:49
  • Ok, so I added my comment as an answer. I was limited by reputation wait time
    – ortonomy
    May 10, 2014 at 14:58

1 Answer 1



I did find a Chinese language link. I'll leave this here in case anybody else finds it useful

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