6 votes

Do District 9 and Chappie take place in the same universe?

tl dr: These were made as a stylistic trilogy by Blomkamp, but do not reside in the same universe. Tetra Vaal was a short which Neill Blomkamp did in 2004. Watching it, you can tell right away it was ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
5 votes

Why was District 9 alien ship stuck for so long?

As mentioned by Morbo in the comments, the ship stopped due to a leadership crisis, as prawns work as a hive mind and left with no leader. Even the director explained the same thing, from io9 The ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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1 vote

Who/what was controlling the killer robot before Wikus got in?

Immediately before Wikus gets in the alien battle mech "suit," there is no indication that anyone is controlling the mech. So the mech appears to autonomously and efficiently defend itself: halting ...
feetwet's user avatar
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Did the fuel transform Wikus, or was it something else?

It is worth noting that even though he was spayed in the face by the black fluid, it was Wikus' injured arm was the first part of him to begin transforming. Possibly the alien genes were assisting in ...
GoN's user avatar
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